Viktor Frankl

“For a World Congress of Fighters for Peace” – Vienna, March 1949
Logotherapy and war

In view of the hardship of our time, we are showing you previously inaccessible and in part unpublished texts by Viktor E. Frankl. (With the generous permission of the Frankl family)
Prof. Dr. Hans Thirring Vienna, March 21, 1949
Vienna IX, Strudelhofgasse 13
Doctor Viktor Frankl
Vienna IX, Mariannengasse 1
Dear Doctor!
On behalf of Franz Theodor Csokor, Honorary President of the Austrian Peace Society, Ernst Fischer and Professor Edwin Rollet, who together with me have signed the enclosed telegram to the “International Bureau of Intellectuals for Peace” in Paris, I am sending you the appeal of the said Bureau for the dissemination of a World Peace Congress. We consider the emergence of an all-embracing peace movement and contact with all forces for peace to be a necessity and therefore ask you to join our initiative, sign the enclosed telegram and send it to my address.
Looking forward to your approving reply, I greet you with the highest regard
Yours, Hans Thirring
For a World Congress of Fighters for Peace. The “International Bureau of Intellectuals for Peace” (Bureau Internationale de liaison des Intellectuels pour da paix), “The World Federation of Democratic Women” (La Federation Demokratique de femmes) and the undersigned personalities are alarmed by the ever-increasing threat to peace. In various countries, the press, radio and politicians are openly sowing enmity and hatred against other countries and propagandizing for a new war. Instead of reducing armies and armaments, as should have been expected after the end of the world war, the path of rearmament is being taken. Military blocs are being created that pose a threat to the peaceful coexistence of peoples. At various points in the world, hotbeds of war are once again burning, ignited and sustained by the intervention of foreign countries and the direct intervention of their armed forces. But the peoples do not want war. They do not want new slaughter, new ruins and devastation. And the duty of all honest men, of men of art, science and literature, the duty of all democratic organizations is to dedicate themselves with determination and with a passionate will to unity to the defence of the peace of the peoples. We therefore turn to all democratic organizations whose natural task is the defence of peace and to all progressive people of all countries: to the trade unions, the women’s movement, the youth and their international organizations, the farmers, the cooperatives, religious and cultural organizations, scientists, writers, journalists, artists, democratic politicians, to all those who are for peace. And we call on them and ask them to gather together to convene a World Congress of Fighters for Peace in April of this year, the purpose of which will be to unite all the forces of the peoples of all countries in defense of peace. We hope with the greatest certainty that everywhere in the world the fighters for peace will surely rise up.

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