Selected Texts
Here are some selected texts and works by Elisabeth Lukas and Viktor Frankl that deal with the themes of finding meaning, life design, and coping with life crises:

Staying human in war
Born in 1942, I was a child of the war and grew up in bombed-out Vienna. From my early memories, I remember the hunger, the constant power cuts and freezing in my thin coats in winter.

How can we Help Different People in the Current Crisis of War?
“Most people unknowingly find themselves in the war. We must remember that we are not just in a boat, but in an ark, together with the following different groups of people.”

“For a World Congress of Fighters for Peace” – Vienna, March 1949
A text on Viktor Frankl’s peace initiative, shown here for the first time with the generous permission of the Frankl family.

Viktor Frankl on the subject of war and peace
“In light of the challenges of our time, we present to you previously inaccessible and partially unpublished texts by Viktor E. Frankl.

“Peace among us” – Vienna in July 1946
Viktor Frankl wrote in 1946 in an article for the magazine DER TURM, which we show here with the generous permission of the Frankl family.

Frankl was right After all
Elisabeth Lukas comments on modern depression research confirming the validity of the logotherapeutic approach.

Frankl’s Peace Appeal
Elisabeth Lukas on Frankl’s Peace Appeal. The text was given to us for publication on 17.5.2022.

On Frankl’s concept of love – an exchange of letters
A previously unpublished text by Elisabeth Lukas, which deals with the concept of love by Viktor Frankl, has now been translated.

Existence cannot be analyzed
Existence cannot be analyzed How did the terms “logotherapy and existential analysis” come about? Why do we omit the term “existential analysis” in the Elisabeth Lukas Archive and only speak of logotherapy? (2021)

Homo patiens
Elisabeth Lukas writes in 2018 about Frankl’s experiences in the concentration camps and the suffering of all people in general: The knowledge of the meaningfulness of our tasks helps us develop resilience to suffering.

Key Topics in Logotherapy
Key Topics in Logotherapy: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Lukas in conversation with Prof. Dr. Bernd Ahrendt on 4 April 2018.

A public health emergency in the land of a thousand opportunities?
A public health emergency in the land of a thousand opportunities?
Elisabeth Lukas comments on the current drug problem in the USA. We obtained permission to publish this text on 27.11.2017.

Pax and logos
On March 28 and 29, 2015, a memorial event took place in Dachau to commemorate Frankl’s liberation from the external camp of the Dachau concentration camp in Untertürkheim 70 years ago. The first major lecture there was given by Elisabeth Lukas, titled ‘PAX UND LOGOS’ – Peace and Reconciliation from a Logotherapeutic Perspective.

An Update of Logotherapy?
The text “An update of logotherapy”, which has been available here since June 2014, has also been included in the latest, 4th edition of the German “Logotherapy Textbook” which has been available since September 2014.