Book Overview

The books by Elisabeth Lukas invite you to reflect on your own life story and gain new perspectives. They address questions and answers to the great questions of life.

Elisabeth Lukas and the Search for a Fulfilling Life

The renowned psychotherapist Elisabeth Lukas has helped countless people gain a new perspective on life and the world through her books, cope with setbacks, and discover meaning in their personal lives.

Elisabeth Lukas and the Search for a Fulfilling Life

Discover the extensive work of Elisabeth Lukas here and let yourself be inspired. Whether you are seeking answers to existential questions, looking to deepen your personal relationships, or wanting to gain new perspectives on life – the books of Elisabeth Lukas will accompany you on your journey.

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Englische Veröffentlichung


“Psychological Ministry”, englische Übersetzung des Buches “Psychologische Seelsorge” von Elisabeth Lukas, übersetzt von Waltraud Schulte, hrsg. vom Süddeutschen Institut für Logotherapie GmbH, Fürstenfeldbruck, Juni 1991

“Psychotherapy with Dignity. Ten reflections on Viktor E. Frankl’s Logotherapy”, Sammlung englischsprachiger Kongressreden von Elisabeth Lukas, übersetzt von Dr. Joseph Fabry, Dr. Howard Smith und James O’Meara, hrsg. vom Süddeutschen Institut für Logotherapie GmbH, Fürstenfeldbruck, Juli 1993

“Meaningful Lines. Logophilosophical Wisdom”, englische Übersetzung des Buches “Sinn-Zeilen” von Elisabeth Lukas, übersetzt von Bianca Hirsch und Josepf Fabry anlässlich des 50. Geburtstags der Autorin, Berkeley / California, November 1992




“Logo-Test. Test measuring inner meaning fulfillment and existential frustration”, Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / California / U.S.A., 1989


book chapters:

“The Four Steps of Logotherapy” und  “A Supplementary Form of Therapy for Addicts” in  “Logotherapy in Action”, hrsg. von J. Fabry / R. Bulka / W. Sahakian, Jason Aronson Inc, New York, 1979

“Reflections on Logotherapy” in “Analecta Frankliana: The Proceedings of the First World Congress of Logotherapy 1980”, hrsg. von Sandra Wawrytko, Institute of Logotherapy Press, San Diego, 1980

“The Logotherapeutic Method of Dereflection” in “The Therapeutic Efficacy of the Major Psychotherapeutic Techniques”, hrsg. von Jusuf Hariman, Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, Illinois, 1983

“Youth, a Continuous Search for Meaning”  in  “Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Logotherapy”, hrsg. von Frederic Jones & Judith Jones, Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / California, 1986

“Foreword” in “What it’s all About. Youth in Search  of Meaning” von Tom McKillop, Trinity Press, Burlington, Ontario / Canada, 1988

“From Self-actualization to Global Responsibility. Search for the Sacred, Necessary and Otherliness” in “Pursuit of Meaning. The Road to Self-esteem and Social Conscience. The Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress of Logotherapy”, hrsg. von Willis C. Finck, Margaret D. Finck & Larry D. Larson, Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / Cal., 1989

“From a Wrong Idea to the Desert Storm: The Logotherapeutic View of Conflict Solving”  in  “Viktor Frankl and Logotherapy – Everything to Gain. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of Logotherapy”, hrsg. von Margret & Tracey Finck, Institute of Logotherapy Press, Saratoga, 1993

“The meaning of life and goals in life for the chronically ill” in “On the way to Meaning. Essays in Remembrance of Viktor Frankl”. Editors: F. Crous, A. Havenga Coetzer & G. van den Heever, Viktor Frankl Foundation of South Africa, 2010 Benmore, Südafrika, 1997

“The meaning of life and the goals in life for chronically ill people” in “The human quest for meaning”. Editors: Paul T. P. Wong, Prem S. Fry, Publishers: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey / U.S.A, 1998

“Logotherapy” (Chapter 14) in “Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy”, Volume 3 (interpersonal / humanistic / existential), hrsg. von Florence W. Kaslow (Volume Editors: Robert F. and Sharon Davis Massey), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York / U.S.A, 2002


“The Pathogenesis of Mental Disorders: An Update of Logotherapy” und “Acceptance Speech (Honorary Professorship, Bestowed from the University Institute of Psychoanalysis, Moscow)” in “Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. Proceedings of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna”, Volume 1, hrsg. Von Alexander Batthyány, Springer International Publishing, Schweiz, 2016


Articles in magazines:

“The Four Steps of Logotherapy” in “Festival of Meaning”, Uniquest 7, hrsg. von Uniquest Foundation, Berkeley / California, 1977

“Logotherapy’s Message to Parents and Teachers” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, hrsg. vom Institute of Logotherapy, Berkeley / California,  Vol. 1, Nr. 1, Winter 1978 / Frühjahr 1979

“The ‘Ideal’ Logotherapist” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, hrsg. vom Institute of Logotherapy, Berkeley / California, Vol. 2, Nr. 2, Sommer / Herbst 1979

“The Logotherapy View of Human Nature”, “The Best Possible Advice”, “Modification of Attitudes”, “The Meaning of Children’s Play” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, hrsg. vom Institute of Logotherapy,  Berkeley / California,  Vol. 3, Nr. 2, Herbst 1980

“New Ways for Dereflection”  in  “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, hrsg. vom Institute of Logotherapy, Berkeley / California, Vol. 4, Nr. 1, Frühjahr/Sommer 1981

“A Validation of Logotherapy” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, hrsg. vom Institute of Logotherapy, Berkeley / California, Vol. 4, Nr. 2, Herbst / Winter 1981

“The ‘Birthmarks’ of Paradoxical Intention” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, hrsg. vom Institute of Logotherapy, Berkeley / California, Vol. 5, Nr. 1, Frühjahr / Sommer 1982

“Counseling Tactics and Personality Structure” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, hrsg. vom Institute of Logotherapy, Berkeley / California, Vol. 6, Nr. 1, Frühjahr / Sommer 1983

“Love and Work” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, hrsg. vom Institute of Logotherapy, Berkeley / California, Vol. 6, Nr. 2, Herbst / Winter 1983

“Human Dignity and Psychotherapy” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / California, Vol. 7, Nr. 2, Herbst / Winter 1984

“The Meaning of Logotherapy for Clinical Psychology” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / California, Vol. 8, Nr. 1, Frühjahr / Sommer 1985

“Recalling Michael Whiddon” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / California, Vol. 9, Nr. 1, Frühjahr / Sommer 1986

“Youth – A Continuous Search for Meaning” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / California, Vol. 9, Nr. 2, Herbst / Winter 1986

“Logotherapy: Health through Meaning” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / California, Vol. 10, Nr. 1, Frühjahr / Sommer 1987

“Personal Attitudes and the Preservation of Life”  in “Newsletter”, Logotherapy Society of Australia, Toorak / Victoria, Vol. 2, Nr. 1, März 1989

“Meaningful Education” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / California, Vol. 12, Nr. 1, Frühjahr 1989

“Self-Help and Crisis Intervention” in  “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / California, Vol. 13, Nr. 1, Frühjahr 1990

“Overcoming the ‘Tragic Triad'” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / California, Vol. 13, Nr. 2, Herbst 1990

“Logotherapy on Hysteria” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl  Institute of Logotherapy Press, Berkeley / California, Vol. 14, Nr. 1, Frühjahr 1991

“Meaning-Centered Family Therapy” und “Two Poems” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy Press,  Berkeley / California, Vol. 14, Nr. 2, Herbst 1991

“Meaning and Goals in the Chronically Ill” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Saratoga / California, Vol. 15, Nr. 2, Herbst 1992

“Logotherapeutic Crisis Intervention: A Case History” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Saratoga / California, Vol. 16, Nr. 1, Frühjahr 1993

“From self-actualisation to global responsibility” in “Viktor Frankl Foundation News”, 2010 Benmore / Südafrika, Winter 1994

“Aphorisms” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Abilene / Texas, Vol. 17, Nr. 2, Herbst 1994

“Correcting the Image” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Abilene / Texas, Vol. 18, Nr. 1, Frühjahr 1995

“Logotherapeutic Aphorisms” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Abilene / Texas, Vol. 19, Nr. 1, Frühjahr 1996

“The Meaning of Life and the Goals in Life for chronically ill People” und “Youth: a continuous Search for Meaning” in “Viktor Frankl Foundation of South Africa”, 2010 Benmore / Südafrika, Sommer 1996

“Logotherapeutic Aphorisms” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Abilene / Texas, Vol. 20, Nr. 1, Frühjahr 1997

“On Overcoming the ‘Tragic Triad’ – Suffering, Guilt & Death” in “Viktor Frankl Foundation of South Africa”, 2010 Benmore / Südafrika, Journal Vol. 4, Nr. 1, 1999

“Key Words as a Guarantee against the Imposition of Values by the Therapist” in “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Abilene / Texas, Vol. 22, Nr. 1, Frühjahr 1999

“From self-actualisation to global responsibility” in “Journal of the Viktor Frankl Foundation of South Africa”, 2010 Benmore / Südafrika, Journal Vol. 7, Nr. 1, 2002

“A Supplementary Form of Therapy for Addicts” in “Viktor Frankl Foundation of South Africa”, 2010 Benmore / Südafrika, Journal Vol. 8, Nr. 1, Januar 2003

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